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Welcome to My Movement Medicine, join today & book in your free trial session

Terms & Conditions

WhatsApp & Support Groups :

  • If joining the MMM WhatsApp group or online support groups, please keep messaging respectful and understand that some individuals may be just beginning their rehabilitation phase

  • Please do not use it to advertise anything without admin consent

My Movement Medicine: Face-to-Face Exercise Sessions


  • Before attending any of the provided services, please complete the relevant online introduction programme, health questionnaire (clearly communicate any new, past and ongoing injuries and long term conditions in writing), and sign your health waiver. Its important to not participate in any My Movement Medicine services until these forms have been filled

  • If your health ever changes eg: medication changes, discharged, hospital admission, please inform your instructor as it may be necessary to fill out another health questionnaire

  • While in attendance of any of the provided services, please follow the exercise instructions provided by the instructor / health professional to the best of your ability. The exercise sessions follow national rehabilitation guidelines from BACPR to minimize risk and make the exercises safe and effective

  • Do your best to reach your personal target training zone (40 - 70% calculated max heart rate) and limit any activities which may feel 'heavy'

  • If you begin to experience any symptoms or injuries during a session, please tell the instructor / health professional and they will be able to suggest an alternative

  • If participating in a group session setting, everyone is at different stages of their rehabilitation and therefore everyone will be working at different intensities. Ensure you are focussing on your own health and are working at a level which is comfortable for you!

  • During My Movement Medicine's exercise sessions, photographic media may be collected and used on various MMM media outlets. By accepting the terms and conditions, you consent to this media  being used publicly. Please inform us by email if you do not wish to be a part of this - .​​

Exercise Videos (coming soon):

  • While using any exercise videos, please watch & read the appropriate introduction video / guidance before participating

  • If you have a long term condition or have experienced a past medical event or injury, it is recommended to have support nearby to assist with any re-occurrence

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